Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Resume Do's and Dont's

As a Staffing Consultant I always get tons of questions which I absolutely love to answer. I also came across a Q&A of what HR professionals like and dislike in resumes. Below are a few to help you create that winning resume.


* Make sure all your contact information is correct; address phone number(s) and some people go as far as putting their linkedin profile links. If you do this, make sure your resume information matches your linkedin profile.

* Make sure your objective is in line with the position you are applying for. If you submit your resume for an Engineer/Associate position, make sure your objective is not geared towards management/manager

* Do make sure your resume somewhat reflects/mirrors the job you are applying for. I am not saying to plagiarize the job description but remember, your resume will only get viewed once. Make that first impression!

* Keep a continuous format throughout

* Do create 2 resumes to specifically outline different roles and responsibilities. If you are an engineer that has worked in say Manufacturing as well as R&D, write one resume more Manufacturing focused and another more R&D focused.


* Write your resume in third person, i:e Mr Smith was responsible for x,y,z. Believe me this is a BIG turnoff

* Don't try and cram 20 years of experience into 2 pages. The 2 page rule is a myth. But on the flip side, don't over embellish and wind up creating a 10 page resume. What I am seeing now is a 2-3 page resume with a 3rd or 4th page of brief accolades for each position. I personally think this is great.

* Use colorful fonts, text boxes or boarders. KISS (Keep it short and sweet)

Questioning whether you have an award winning resume? Feel free to send it to me. If you can handle constructive criticism, would be more than happy to lend my eye.

Make it a Great Week!