Saturday, November 10, 2012

What I Learned from George Lucas

In the wake of the Disney/Lucas Films purchase I came across this article that I thought was pretty inspiring,outlining how George Lucas became the person he is today:

  • He quit an early career when he realized it wasn't right for him (he wanted to be a race-car driver ... until he almost got killed in a crash)
  • He made a type of product he loved and cared deeply about (movies)
  • He made—and learned from—lots and lots of different products (There were many Lucas movies before Star Wars)
  • He evolved (Lucas's early movies were artsy non-commercial films)
  • He studied and learned from the best mentors (Francis Ford Coppola, among others)
  • He became friends with other extremely talented people in the industry (Steven Spielberg, among others)
  • He was shrewd (He sold his directing services to Fox Studios for Star Wars for cheap—but kept all the merchandise, licensing, and sequel rights, which Fox didn't want)
  • He was very, very patient (Unlike many of today's entrepreneurs and investors, Lucas wasn't looking for a "quick flip." Lucasfilm was founded in 1971, 41 years ago)
Put all those things together, and you've got yourself a recipe for building a great business.

Have a great week and good luck!

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