Sunday, March 3, 2013

7 Things You Should Never Do During an Interview

This was written by Donna Fuscaldo, Glassdoor. I thought it was a decent article and wanted to share.

With the job market extremely tight, even the small stuff counts, especially when you’re on a job interview. That’s why it’s so important not to say or do the wrong things, since that first impression could end up being the last one.

With that in mind, here are seven deadly sins of job interviewing.

1. Don’t Be Late To the InterviewEven if you car broke down or the subway derailed, do everything you can to get to that job interview on time.
“If you have a legitimate excuse it’s still hard to bounce back,” says Pamela Skillings, co-founder of job coaching firm Skillful Communications. “People are suspicious because they hear the same excuses all the time.”
On the flip side, you don’t want to show up too early and risk appearing desperate, but you do want to be there at least five minutes early or at the very least on time.

2. Don't show up unprepared.

It seems simple, but countless people go on job interviews knowing very little about the company they are interviewing with when all it would take is a simple Google search to find out. As a result, they end up asking obvious questions, which signal to the interviewer that they are too lazy to prepare.
“Don’t ask if the company is public or private, how long it’s been in business and where they do their manufacturing,” says Mark Jaffe, president of Wyatt & Jaffe, the executive search firm. “Sharpen your pencil before you go to school.”

3. Don’t Ask About Salary, Benefits, PerksYour initial interview with a company shouldn’t be about what the company can do for you, but what you can do for the company. Which means the interview isn’t the time to ask about the severance package, vacation time or health plan. Instead you should be selling yourself as to why the company can’t live without you.
“Your interest should be about the job and what your responsibilities will be,” says Terry Pile, Principal Consultant of Career Advisors. “Asking about vacation, sick leave, 401K, salary and benefits should be avoided at all costs.”

4. Don’t Focus On Future Roles Instead Of The Job At HandThe job interview is not the time or place to ask about advancement opportunities or how to become the CEO. You need to be interested in the job you are actually interviewing for. Sure, a company wants to see that you are ambitious, but they also want assurances you are committed to the job you’re being hired for.
“You can’t come with an agenda that this job is just a stepping stone to bigger and better things,” says Jaffe.

5. Don’t Turn The Weakness Question Into A PositiveTo put it bluntly, interviewers are not idiots. So when they ask you about a weakness and you say you work too hard or you are too much of a perfectionist, chances are they are more apt to roll their eyes than be blown away. Instead, be honest and come up with a weakness that can be improved on and won’t ruin your chances of getting a job.
For instance, if you are interviewing for a project management position, it wouldn’t be wise to say you have poor organizational skills, but it’s ok to say you want to learn more shortcuts in Excel. “Talk about the skills you don’t have that will add value, but aren’t required for the job,” says Pile.

6. Don’t LieMany people think its ok to exaggerate their experience or fib about a firing on a job interview, but lying can be a surefire way not to get hired. Even if you get through the interview process with your half truths, chances are you won’t be equipped to handle the job you were hired to do. Not to mention the more you lie the more likely you are to slip up.
“Don’t exaggerate, don’t make things bigger than they are and don’t claim credit for accomplishments you didn’t do,” says Jaffe. “You leave so much room in your brain if you don’t have to fill it with which lie you told which person.”

7. Don’t Ask If There’s Any Reason You Shouldn’t Be HiredWell meaning career experts will tell you to close your interview by asking if there is any reason you wouldn’t be hired. While that question can give you an idea of where you stand and afford you the opportunity to address any concerns, there’s no guarantee the interviewer is going to be truthful with you or has even processed your information enough to even think about that.

I agree with alot of this article for the most part but heavly disagree with 7. I strongly believe you SHOULD ask this question. It adresses any concerns the interviewer(s) have with you. Perhaps you didn't put "X" on your resume because you didn't think it was relevant BUT the interviewer says, "We really need someone with "X". Now you can discuss how you have "X", where it was used etc etc. If you hadn't asked, you may never have known.

Wishing you all a Great April!!!

Biggest mistakes job seekers are making today?

Hello All,

Been some time since I have been here and I do apologize. Hard to believe March is here....where has the time gone??!!

I was recently asked "What the biggest mistakes job seekers are making today" and wanted to share with you some of my thoughts in no particular order.

1.Applying for jobs they are not a fit for, whether it be one or every position within the company. Some may think this draws attention to their resumes in a positive light but it actually does the opposite.It shows that you the candidate are not reading job descriptions or really have no idea what you are qualified for.

2. Not having the resume reflect the position they are applying for. A recent applicant listed some great skills in their summary section for an engineering position but when I viewed their job history it was Friendly's and Stop and Shop.

2.Not spellchecking their resume, double checking that their phone numbers and email is correct, their voice mail is not professional, not set up or not activated,

3.Not checking the commute/location of the company,

4.Can only interview after hours or weekends

5.Calling the company every 5 minutes and leaving numerous messages in one day.

Thanks for reading and continued success.