Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Relationship Building - Thing of the Past??

We are now on month 2 of unemployment and there has definitely been some activity regarding interviews, 2nd interviews etc but I question, is building relationships a thing of the past?

Some of the interviews I have had were in a Business Development/Sales capacity but the basis was, sign up a new client and transition the business to a "customer service liasion" then move on to your next new account. Granted I am not against this at all but where is the true relationship building aspect of the business?

One of the many great things I loved about Business Development/recruitment was building relationships with great people out there. Yes it is part of the business and predominatly how I got paid but I enjoyed making friends out of it. I truly enjoyed learning about what college Jim's kids were going to College or how Mary's kids did in soccer this past weekend or what car you just bought. I loved this!!

And it is obvious when candidates, excuse me, friends I have made in this business are tracking me down asking how I am doing regarding my search, how my wife is handling this etc etc. Thank You Thank You!

This is my blog and of course names have been changed to protect the innocent.

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